In order to reach you, I must turn myself inside out. I give to you a body, not too un-similar to yours, and demand you watch it unfurl the innermost desires she has from years of being in relationships. She has held a lover, witnessed loss, and intertwined with a friend. Girlhood progresses in growing pains, and the body holds the memories, ambiguous to specificity except for the sharpness of love. As the one true constant, even as time plays against your history, love keeps the body present. In any case, these are not unique to any one body. You will see yourself reflected in her contortions. You will see her in another’s eyes. You will see how you try to please her in the company of your body. And I will try to reach those former lovers through unfinished love letters – keeping warm the beds which I laid – to remember her spirit that I can no longer distill in a single camera frame.

Katie Noble is a photographic and image-based artist from Buffalo, New York and currently based in New York City. She is a fine art and portrait photographer interested in themes of identity, queer experiences, and human interaction with time & memory. Katie works in digital and analog photographic processes, as well as multimedia instillations. She is currently pursuing a BFA in Photography & Imaging with a minor in Art History and Art & Public Policy at NYU Tisch School of the Arts. Her work and writing has been published in Musée Magazine and ISO Magazine.

Available for work (editorial, fashion, portraiture, commission). For more information contact by email

Find me on instagram @katieennoble